
Onward! To the Start of the Last!

With winter break gone, classes start on Wednesday. Driving back to CT Tuesday.  Big plans to wrap up senior year, final projects, thesis exhibition, applications, graduation, Iowa. Going out with a bang, fingers crossed.

 Currently: Finishing flocking the crib for Smoke Before Fire.  Creating new  male dino/horses.  I might luster the genitalia and flock them picture book colors, perhaps add whiskers and underbelly fur.  For scale, I'm thinking pet size, so you just have to touch and caress.

Just ordered more flocking from www.craftflocking.com

Got a lot more colors, even some flitter! (flocking plus glitter)

Winter break was pretty good, caught up on reading, bought some books. Currently reading Becoming Judy Chicago by Gail Levin, The Sexual Enlightenment of Children by Freud, and Modern Man in Search of a Soul by Carl Jung.

I got a lot of thinking done that I had held off for a while, decided not to apply to a special student/fifth year program. Instead I'm taking off for Iowa the first week in July.

Internships I have applied to: Figge Art Museum

Places I want to apply: Prairie Center for the Arts, Corning Center for the Fine Arts, Downtown Davenport Residency Program

Studio where I will do ceramics in Iowa: Dubuque Center for the Arts


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